Your will or trust does not determine who inherits your IRAs, 401(k)s , pensions, annuities, life insurance, transfer on death accounts, payable on death accounts and health saving accounts . The above mentioned accounts are inherited by the beneficiaries named in the account, contract, account application, or beneficiary designation form.
We have had estate planning clients who have been divorced and remarried several times and still have their first ex spouse as the beneficiary on their life insurance or retirement account. Do not let this happen to you. Review and update all your beneficiary designations. Your current spouse and heirs will thank you.
Whether you need help with estate planning or elder law planning, the law firm of Losavio & DeJean, LLC is here for you. Contact us online today or call us at 844-431-5334 to schedule a confidential, free consultation, where we can go over your questions and concerns and help you plan for the future.