veterans aid

Aid and Attendance is a valuable VA pension benefit designed to assist Veterans and their spouses who require the aid of another person in performing everyday activities, such as bathing, feeding, dressing, or adjusting prosthetic devices. However, this benefit is often underused due to a lack of awareness. To be eligible for Aid and Attendance benefits, the applicant must meet specific criteria related to medical needs, income, and assets.

What is VA Aid and Attendance?

VA Aid and Attendance is a benefit that provides additional financial assistance to eligible Veterans and surviving spouses who require the aid and attendance of another person or are housebound. This benefit is added on top of existing VA pensions to help cover the costs of long-term senior care, including the expenses associated with assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or in-home care services. This supplemental income aims to provide financial support to those who require assistance with the activities of daily living and may need ongoing care.

Eligibility Requirements for VA Aid and Attendance

To be considered eligible for this benefit, individuals must get a VA pension and meet one of the following requirements: 

  • You require assistance from another person to perform daily activities such as bathing, feeding, and dressing. 
  • You are significantly confined to bed or spend a substantial portion of the day in bed due to an illness. 
  • You are a resident in a nursing home as a result of a disability that has led to a loss of mental or physical capabilities. 
  • Your eyesight is severely restricted, meaning that even with glasses or contact lenses, your visual acuity is 5/200 or less in both eyes, or you have a concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less.

Housebound Benefits Eligibility

You can qualify for housebound benefits if you are receiving a VA pension and spend the majority of your time at your residence due to a permanent disability, which is defined as a disability that is not expected to improve. This benefit caters to individuals whose disability significantly limits their ability to leave their home without the assistance of another person or mobility aid.

What Types of Senior Care Do These Benefits Cover?

Veterans or their surviving spouses who are no longer able to independently manage their daily care have the option to use VA Aid and Attendance benefits.  These benefits are designed to help with the expenses incurred due to assisted living, nursing homes, or in-home care services. 

Is There Spouse Aid and Attendance?

Although there is no distinct Aid and Attendance benefit specifically designated for spouses, spouses who are recipients of a VA surviving spouse pension are eligible to receive Aid and Attendance. However, the spouse must meet the specified net worth and income limits for VA Aid and Attendance to qualify for this beneficial support. Essentially, eligible spouses can use Aid and Attendance in the same manner as their Veteran spouse would have.

How Can a Spouse Use VA Aid and Attendance Benefits?

The benefit, which is paid out monthly and is not subject to taxation, serves as a valuable resource for covering the expenses associated with long-term care. This includes custodial care, which encompasses a wide range of support, including help with bathing, dressing, using the bathroom, meal preparation, and laundry.

To Learn More About Aid and Attendance Benefits, Contact Losavio & DeJean Today 

If you want further information about Aid and Attendance benefits or the steps you need to take to obtain these benefits, contact Losavio & DeJean today to learn more.