Losavio & DeJean believes everyone should have a living will, which is why our law firm is giving away our living will form for free. Our lawyers specialize in estate planning, and we can assist you today if you need help drafting a living will to include in your estate plan.
Why Louisiana Allows Living Wills
The change in Louisiana law concerning the withdrawal of hydration and nutrition was caused by Terri Schiavo’s case. Terri Schiavo, a married 28-year-old Florida resident, suffered cardiac arrest on February 25, 1990. After her heart attack, Schiavo was left in a persistent vegetative state and kept alive by a feeding tube.
In 1998, Schiavo’s husband, Michael, petitioned the Sixth Circuit Court of Florida to remove her feeding tube pursuant to Florida law. Terri’s parents, Robert and Mary Schindler, opposed the removal of the feeding tube. After a protracted legal battle of approximately 8 years, her feeding tube was removed on March 18, 2005, and she passed away on March 31.
Life and death decisions are best left to the person and not the courts. On a daily basis, there are an estimated 25,000 Americans deemed by doctors to be in a vegetative state. In response to Terri Schiavo’s case, Louisiana law was modified to allow its residents to execute a living will so the life or death decision is made by the person and not the courts.
Make Sure Your Wishes Are Respected
If you want to make sure your exact wishes are carried out if you are incapacitated, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our law firm so we can explain all of your legal options. Right now, we are offering a free copy of our modified living will form that you can use to establish your wishes regarding specific medical treatments.